Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay on American Civil War and Fugitive Slave Act

In Chapter 9, â€Å"Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom,† of A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn takes about the slave rebellions, abolition movement, the Civil War, and these effects on African Americans. Zinn included this chapter to explain the life of African Americans before and after the Civil War and their treatment accordingly. Howard Zinn explains how the life of an African American remained cruel and taken advantage of through explaining the life of a slave before the War and then the mentality that whites were better than blacks that continued after, seen through the effects of the Klu Klux Klan. First of all, Howard Zinn proves his thesis by talking about the life of a slave prior to the war.†¦show more content†¦After the war, laws were passed that defended the rights of African Americans, but that all changed with the Klu Klux Klan. Originally, â€Å"The Constitutional amendments were passed, the laws for racial equality were passed, and the black man began to vote and to hold office,† but, â€Å"The violence mounted through the late 1860s and early 1870s as the Ku Klux Klan organized raids, lynchings, beatings, burnings†¦ As white violence rose in the 1870s, the national government, even under President Grant, became less enthusiastic about defending blacks, and certainly not prepared to arm them† (Zinn Ch. 9). Africans Americans were granted the equal rights that they wanted, but with the actions of the Klu Klux Klan, a white supremacy group, the US government began to back off from supporting the African American due to fear of more attacks ( possibly becoming more violent). The African American also lived in poverty, â€Å"The average wage of Negro farm laborers in the South was about fifty cents a day, Fortune said† (Zinn Ch. 9). Not only were the newly freed blacks being hunted down by white supremacy groups, but also they lived in poverty. Yes, they life of some approved greatly and they were able to receive an education, but for the majority of African Americans, they were still living in the shadow and fear of whites. In conclusion, Howard Zinn wrote â€Å"Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom† to explain that the life of an African American did not change tooShow MoreRelatedAfrican American During The Civil War1235 Words   |  5 Pages African Americans Suffered During the Civil War Allison Wessels English 11- Period 5 Mrs. Blomme March 11, 2016 African American Suffered During the Civil War Outline: Thesis Statement: African American soldiers fighting in the Civil War. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Women and Gender Roles - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 492 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Gender Roles Essay Did you like this example? Nelson Mandela once said Freedom cannot be achieved unless Women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression. For Generations Women have had to fight for their rights to be allowed to work in the workplace. Women have come along way in a short period of time, but there is still work to be done. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Women and Gender Roles" essay for you Create order Today, In America there are still parts in the World were Women are not given equal opportunities as Men. Furthermore, even though Women still had the opportunity to work they were never offered the same chances that Men were given. The fight for Equal opportunity in the Workplace is far from over. In my 17 years of life, I have been told to stick to what I know. Basically, being told to never go outside the box. There is always someone in the background saying Be in the Medical Field, Be an Operator, Be a Secretary and many more. Throughout my entire life these are things that I have been told was to stick to jobs that Women are known to have. But the harsh reality of it all Women should feel eager to explore different opportunities in the World instead of being subjected into the statistics that are given to them. In the men we carry in our mind it states By Comparison, with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church. This shows that, Women should not be looked at as if they were a maid, because Women can do so much more than what Society presumes of them. To be a Woman is hard enough, because we do the things that seem eas y to the average male. People expect Women to be scared when it comes to speaking their mind and that is just not the case. The favorable life decisions we make come with taking responsibility and making choices that will forever impact a Womans life. For Instance, when Women compete for the same jobs as Men it Can be quite intimidating because men feel like Women are incapable of doing the impossible. When Women have changed history over the past few decades. In Emma Watsons United Nations: He for She: Gender Equality is your issue, too speech states, You might be thinking Who is this Harry Potter Girl? And what is she doing up on the stage at the Un. Its a good question and trust me I have been asking Myself the Same thing. This Exemplifies that, Even Women today question themselves in why they hold a Superior Title in their line of Field. In Summation, I believe that over the course of Many years that Gender Roles have changed tremendously. From Women not being able to Work in certain fields and now allowed to work in any field of their choosing is astonishing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Skills And Attributes Of An Interviewer Essay

The skills and attributes of an interviewer, and the effectiveness of their usage, can have a significant influence on the successfulness of a criminal interview. Ineffectively using skills, or simply not using any skills, can lead to failed interviews and interrupt the justice process for the victims, offenders, and the system. Effective Use Hoover was culturally aware and respectful by referring to Bernardo as Mr. Teale, his legal name, until Bernardo set the more relaxed tone of addressing other in the interview. This is one of the important best practices of cultural diversity (Holmgren, 2017, p. 239). SOLER is an ongoing skill practiced by the interviewer (Holmgren, 2017, pp. 338-39). SOLER is an acronym that stands for: â€Å"sitting in front of your interviewee across a table of slightly to one side†; â€Å"open arms†; â€Å"lean slightly towards your interviewee†; â€Å"eye contact†, and â€Å"relax your posture† (p. 339). Hoover and Coulis successful practiced SOLER as they both sat on 90 degree angles of Bernardo; had open body posture; made eye contact with the interviewee, and had relaxed body language. Body language is a constant and important skill involved in the non-verbal aspect of interviewing communication (Holmgren, 2017, p. 63). Throughout the dur ation of Bernardo’s interview, the interviewees had open and nonintrusive body language. The appropriate use of body language in the interview positively influenced Bernardo’s willingness to cooperate with the interviewers.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Human Resource Management1333 Words   |  6 Pagesinterviewee’s words, his or her thoughts and beliefs can be recorded and later, if there is a need be used and reviewed. But there also are some disadvantages. For example, this methods cost a lot for the interviewer and whole organizations, moreover the process is time-consuming for both sides as for interviewers and as for interviewees. Another disadvantage is that the person who takes the interview has his own personal beliefs, opinions and ideologies which can be totally different. All his opinions andRead MoreRecruitment And Selection Process At Liberty Mutual Essay1449 Words   |  6 Pages job description, and specifications. Business provides information for HR to create the job profile in the company portal. Competencies are determined based on examination of previous employees’ performance in the same role. Typically, the key attributes possessed by all successful candidates make their way onto the job positing. In order to attract qualified candidates, recruiters attend information sessions, career fairs, and other networking events in partnership with colleges. Liberty also valuesRe ad MoreMy Strengths And Weaknesses Of An Interview931 Words   |  4 PagesInterviews are the first impression a potential employer or college department will have of a person. First impressions are lasting impressions. 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You might also add any additional information you feel they should know about you and at least three referencesRead MoreImportance Of Selection Measures And Performance Management Practices1463 Words   |  6 Pageslargest companies. In the workplace, diversity takes on different attributes such as personality, cognitive thinking style, leadership style, tenure, organizational function, and educational background. These attributes are critical to comprehend when establishing teams in the office. Management needs to understand what their employees’ strongest skills are and be able to create teams where the individuals can use their unique skill sets to thrive and work off of one another. If an organization canRead MoreStreamling the Employee Selection Process1603 Words   |  7 Pageswith the administrator of the measure. Reliability suffers if candidate s are turned off by the interviewer and thus do not show their stuff during the interview. †¢ Inadequate knowledge of how to respond to a measure. Reliability suffers if candidates are asked questions that are vague or confusing. †¢ Individual differences among respondents. If the range or differences in scores on the attribute measured by a selection device is large, that means the device can reliably distinguish amongRead MoreInterview Qa1691 Words   |  7 Pagesgrowing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can. †¢ I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations. Are you overqualified for this job? †¢ As you note, Ive worked at a higher level but this position is exactly what Im looking for. You offer opportunity to achieve the magic word:

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethics - Professionalism and Governance Ethical Dilemma

Question: Discuss about theEthics, Professionalism and Governance for Ethical Dilemma. Answer: Recommendations for Actions to take toResolve the Situation and to Minimize the Chance the Scenario May Recur. The ethical dilemma for Alex is to decide whether to report the employees that are taking office documents home which is against company policy as they expose the business to being accessed by non-authorized people. It is a dilemma for him since they need to do this to get their work done. The people who will be affected by Alexs decisions are the employees who work under him as project manager, Paul the IT administrator and the company Initech Corp. they are all inter-related.(Ford, and Richardson, 2013) The values that we will use in making this decision include autonomy which is where an individual has the freedom to make their decisions and do their work freely with minimum supervision, but the employees at Initech have little autonomy over their jobs as Paul limits the freedom they have. Trustworthinessislimited here as both parties do not trust each other Paul does not trust that the employees will not share sensitive data with the wrong people and the employees see that Paul takes pleasure in making it hard for them to work.(Keeney, and Keeney, 2009) The following code of ethics is relevant to make the decision best for Initech. The enhancement of the quality of life, where Alex will strive to make it is easier for the employees to perform their tasks smoothly. Honesty is where there is an actualshowing ofone's skills and abilities when Alex makes this decision he will showcase the abilities he has gained through the years from previous work done and apply it in the scenario. Competency is where Alex with this decision will show that he is working competently in the best interest of Initech. The five clauses relevant to this ethical dilemma are,strive to givegoods and services which match the functional and economic needs of your company; showcase your real talents, skills, abilities or knowledge. Give his professional opinion on the matter based on past experiences from other jobs; safeguard and encourage the well-being and safety of those working with and for you and know the necessary legislations and regulations that apply to the decision to be made(Landman, Shelton, Kauffmann, and Dattilo,2010) Alex should not report the employees to Paul since this will ensure terminationor their work made harder. He should hold a meeting with both parties to come up with a compromise to make sure that the employees and the IT manager and the best interests of the company are met. Alex should find a way to supervise the work done on the computers by the employees that does not interfere with their work as much. He should also ensure that the employees know the consequences of sharing the sensitive information with unauthorized parties as specified in the confidential agreement they signed. Finally, he should talk with Paul about him being less stringent with the employees and hold a mediation to resolve any issues between him and the employees this will ensure the company runs smoothly (Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson, 2011) References Colquitt, J., Lepine, J. A., and Wesson, M. J. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Ford, R. C., and Richardson, W. D. (2013). Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. In Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics (pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Keeney, R. L., and Keeney, R. L. (2009). Value-focused thinking: A path to creative decisionmaking. Harvard University Press. Landman, M. P., Shelton, J., Kauffmann, R. M., and Dattilo, J. B. (2010). Guidelines for maintaining a professional compass in the era of social networking. Journal of surgical education, 67(6), 381-386.